2 sisters- sketch
kaboodledoodles- make it girlly
lollipop crafts- anything goes
karens doodles- cute/ cuddley
ditzy crafty mess- anything goes
fussy and fancy- polka dots
thanks for looking x
So here's another double update, sorry about that but life sometimes gets in the way. I've had to keep on the modified plank moves and do normal jacks because of my silly shoulder, but everything else I've done fully and even upped the weights when I'm not lifting the weights above my head or using my shoulder. We're still using steps greatest hits to power through, well I am! I am slightly scared of level 3 now and its approaching quite quickly!
Level 1 complete! I managed to complete it all at advanced level, apart from the push ups. I also managed to have less drink pauses as well. It is amazing how quickly your body adjusts to this, but having watched level 2, I think I'm back to the modified moves again! I just hope she doesn't make me get up too quickly from lying down, coz I have to pause it to get my balance!
So today I didn't manage the shred :'( but in my defence I have removed 2 sofas from my living room ready for the new arrivals in the morning. I also managed to click my knee out of place yesterday, but did click it back in somehow, accidently using one of the sofas! I was slightly worried that I had done something worse to my knee as I have bad knees and have to wear insoles in my shoes so I can walk without pain. I also think I was too tired last night and not thinking about my posture, which would not have helped! Hopefully the new sofa and chair will be early, so we can do day 7 before lunch and my eyebrow appointment and get back on track.
Sorry about the lack of shopping and craft updates, hopefully tomorrow I'll show you my Xmas eve online shopping that arrived on. Wednesday, and maybe the new furniture x