This post has been half written far ages due to time constraints, but the football is enabling me to finish it off!

These books had bee sat waiting for ever to be read, but i finally got to read them and really enjoyed them.
Lucy in the sky is surprise surprise about Lucy and her love life. I loved reading this and was very happy with the ending. No spoilers here!!!
Johnny be good was an enjoyable read but the ending was disappointing, of the 4 books this was the possibly the one i enjoyed the least, but i often find the 2nd book by any author is the weakest, not sure why but it quite often happens that way. Anyway back to the book. This book follows Meg and her new lifestyle working for a rock star (Johnny in the title).
Chasing Daisy was Paige toon back on form and set in the world of formula one. We follow daisy through the highs and lows of her love life and learn a little bit about formula one as well, another great read, but again no spoilers!
Pictures of Lily is mainly set in Australia and aroiund a wildlife park, and another fab read (i need to get some new words hence i'm the reader and not the writer of these books, they would get very repetitive if i had a hand involved!). Once again the ending was perfect and i loved every minute of this book.
Having only discovered Paige Toon recently i'm really glad i did as she is an excellent writer and i know that if i was on holiday i would lay and read one of her books in a day, in fact i'm going to keep an eye out for her other books baby be mine and one perfect summer.
over all i give all the books bar Johnny be good 4 stars out of 5,
Johnny be good gets 3 out of 5 because of the ending.