Monday, 4 June 2012

Book Review- Why do we have to live with men by Bernadette Strachan

I put off reading this book because of the title which with hind sight was silly but we really do judge a book by it's cover or in this case a name! I have only really read a 2 other books by this author but that is something i am going to rectify as i really enjoyed reading this book especially the outcome! Cat ends up moving into a 'commune' with other women for 6 months and they all go on a journey and most realise they do need men, but need to change their approach to men. I really enjoyed the sub plots of this book, but sarge did annoy me somewhat, just her bossiness and lack of personality, but this was explained so i forgave her! 
my only niggle was the ending, it felt rushed and left me wanting more, hopefully there will be a sequel where we find out more about the characters as they all deserve their own ending .
3 stars out of 5 ( it would have been 4, but for the ending)

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